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文章來源: 作者:羅茨機電 發布時間:2021-04-01 瀏覽次數:754

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The method to remove the rust on the outside of the three blade roots blower: what we need to do is to protect the external structure of the blower, including the paint on the outside of the casing. If the paint falls off due to external reasons, we can carry out spot spraying to separate the body of the roots blower from the outside air. Secondly, internal derusting can only be carried out for the disassembly of Roots blower, and then derusting for the rusty parts, because the internal rust will affect the normal operation of Roots blower. Therefore, if the rust is serious, it should be handled in time to avoid excessive wear and tear, so as not to affect the mechanical accuracy of Roots blower.



The surrounding working environment of Roots blower and the medium transported by roots blower are the two main causes of corrosion. When installing roots blower, it should not be installed in the environment with high air humidity. Secondly, for the medium transported, we should communicate with the manufacturer when purchasing. For the medium with strong corrosivity, we should communicate with the manufacturer and choose the appropriate material Roots blower.


After the roots blower is used, it should be emptied. Because roots blower has forced exhaust. If the roots blower is not vented, or the vent valve is only opened a little, it will lead to too much air intake and not enough air outlet, and the gas will be compressed in the blower rotor cavity, the pipeline between the blower outlet and the valve. More and more compressed gas is bound to cause safety accidents.

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Thank you for your reading. I hope the above content will be helpful to you. If you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: Shanxi roots blower manufacturer http://www.makemoore.com  .

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