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文章來源: 作者:羅茨機電 發布時間:2021-05-21 瀏覽次數:654

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The extraction efficiency of centrifugal fan directly affects the air volume of the fan. Under normal circumstances, the extraction efficiency of the fan is directly related to the economic cost of our users, so it is often our users' concern to improve the extraction efficiency of the fan. To improve the use effect of the fan, we must know the key factors that affect the fan, and make targeted adjustments to be effective. Now for you to introduce two methods to improve the efficiency of centrifugal fan.


The extraction efficiency of centrifugal fan is related to the air volume of the fan, and it is a problem that users are more concerned about to improve the extraction efficiency of the fan



First of all, for centrifugal fans, the convexity of the separator is directly related to the extraction efficiency of the fan. Because the convexity of the separator will make the air flow field irregular, the extraction effect is not good. It is very helpful to improve the extraction efficiency of centrifugal fan by changing the shape of the extraction partition and adopting the layout form, and it is also a widely used method.


Secondly, the extraction efficiency of the centrifugal fan will be affected by other factors, such as the outside world. In the stable air flow field, the stability of the extraction efficiency of the fan can be well maintained. Once the circumferential uniformity and radial uniformity are destroyed, the fan stall and other unconventional flow phenomena may be aroused.


The methods to improve the efficiency of centrifugal fan are to change the shape of the diaphragm and control the environment.

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